Have we actually left the 1970's? What a world! Suddenly men didn't have to ask to take off their jackets, women could finally look like men again and you can fill in the details of your story here: ___________________________________________________________.
Just because I found myself with five minutes on my hands, I did this show in between "Hobbys", "Sugar Baby", "Herta Hunderthosen" and "That Other Theater". You can check out the trailer we did back in January for a little taste. It opens this Thursday and plays for two weeks! Click here for Semi-Circle's website.
P.S. Don't tell anyone: We English speakers in Basel are fundamentally spoiled.
Just because I found myself with five minutes on my hands, I did this show in between "Hobbys", "Sugar Baby", "Herta Hunderthosen" and "That Other Theater". You can check out the trailer we did back in January for a little taste. It opens this Thursday and plays for two weeks! Click here for Semi-Circle's website.
P.S. Don't tell anyone: We English speakers in Basel are fundamentally spoiled.

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