Somewhere between Mumpf and Möhlin on the Rhine, I saw some trash, paddled over to it and as I usually do I picked it up to dispose of it properly but found a message in a PET bottle. The message was a girl's address and a faded drawing from a town I've never heard of and will probably never visit in Switzerland. It felt good. I felt like next to the good dose of working out, I had accomplished something. Got to my destination, packed up my SUP and started walking to the bus stop. But wait! Suddenly it hit me. I was the lucky recipient of a message in a bottle. I felt extremely blessed. What are the odds? Of all the time I had spent near water, on water, in water, I had never received such a message and likely never will again. I've never heard of anyone receiving a message in a bottle. It was simultaneously my find but I was its find. I had hit treasure. I had salvaged something. That's the point, treasure is nothing more than a bit of air, possibly a sun-faded note, from a well-meaning person. It's beautiful and a reason to be happy. More than happy, blessed. Sometimes writing a blog is a lot like writing a message in a bottle, unlike the direct recipient of a text message or the onslaught of spam in the email inbox, the message in a bottle arrives at exactly the person who needs it most. Today, I send you my message in a bottle, and if I have any readers still out there after such a long time of not blogging, give me a shout! Here is a message in a bottle for you:
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